
Centrum Rehabilitacji, Edukacji i Opieki TPD “Helenów”
A charity supporting children with a wide range of disabilities

Fundacja Iskierka
Iskierka supports children suffering from cancer

Micah Project
The Micah Project is a UK-based non-profit and volunteer run community umbrella project for a number of initiatives that all have the same aims at heart.
St. Andrews Foundation Board

David Kennedy
Foundation Secretary
Our Latest News

Why We Do It!
Paul Ramsay Gogolinski, President of the St. Andrews Foundation in Poland, made a visit to Górnośląskie Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka im. św. Jana Pawła II to see the real life effect of the foundation’s effort to support the cause.

The St. Andrews Foundation Charity Ceilidh
The St. Andrews Foundation Charity Ceilidh comes to Polska Bank Reduta, Saturday, November 30, 2024.
Scottish Day in Jadów-2024
Scottish Day in Jadów is July 6th. Click on the image for details.

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